C2P Product Spotlight: September 20
Welcome to our C2P Product Spotlight!
In our latest C2P update we are excited to announce the launch of Version Compare, Upcoming Dates and Ask our Experts history.
Version Compare
The new comparison functionality in C2P allows users to see the changes in a new version of a regulatory text. For any regulation where the text has been updated by the regulator, users will now be able to:
- Instantly view the new additions and amendments to the text
- Easily distinguish new additions and removed text with a red-green color code
- Download the comparison
Upcoming Dates
The C2P inbox now has a new tab: Upcoming Dates. The Upcoming Dates feature will show you all dates related to the regulations and standards you are watching, including both lifecycle dates (e.g. proposed date of entry into force, deadline for commentary, date repealed) and requirement dates (e.g. reporting deadlines, compliance deadlines, sunset dates for chemicals).
In Upcoming Dates you can:
- Extract a list of all future dates related to regulations you are watching
- Flag important dates for reporting
- Export flagged dates
This feature is in BETA as we are seeking your feedback to continue its improvement if we see enough traction. You can submit feedback directly from the Upcoming Dates feature in C2P.
Ask our Experts Live in C2P
Our Ask our Experts service, which is free to all users in C2P, offers premier access to our global regulatory compliance team and global knowledge partner network. These teams can answer questions about laws, regulations and standards – including purpose, applicability to your products, highlights of requirements, and more.
The Ask our Experts history has now moved into C2P, so you and your colleagues can see the questions asked on the summary page, as well as our expert’s response, and converse with the expert live in C2P.
You can email our support team at support@complianceandrisks.com if you would like to find out more, or have any questions on the new features listed above.