Webinars 28 June, 2023 - Watch On-Demand

Spotlight On The S in ESG – Upcoming EU Rules On Supply Chain Transparency, Due Diligence & Reporting On Social Matters

Jun 02, 2023 Spotlight On The S in ESG – Upcoming EU Rules On Supply Chain Transparency, Due Diligence & Reporting On Social Matters

Webinar Overview

This webinar will focus on the ‘S’ in ESG and what your business needs to do to comply with the new reporting and due diligence obligations focusing on social matters.

We will look at EU reporting under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) on ‘social’ matters.

In particular, this will focus on the EU reporting standards covering:

  1. Own workforce;
  2. Workers in the value chain;
  3. Affected communities and
  4. Consumers and end users.

We will consider how best your business can set up systems to comply with these reporting requirements, how to conduct materiality assessments on social topics and how best to draft your reports.

We will also consider the host of upcoming EU due diligence and supply chain transparency requirements which take social factors into consideration, including new and upcoming rules on products made with deforestation and forced labour. We will also consider currently applicable national due diligence rules, such as those in France, Germany and the UK.

Along with all these interesting updates, we’ll also be showcasing C2P’s ESG Solution.
Our enterprise ESG Solution is a smarter way for organizations to meet their ESG regulatory obligations, helping companies manage goals and targets and demonstrate compliance with evolving regulatory requirements.

Webinar Agenda

During this webinar, our experts will cover the following topics and how to comply with them:

  • EU reporting under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) on ‘social’ matters;
    – Own workforce
    – Workers In The Value Chain
    – Affected Communities
    – Consumers and end users
  • Upcoming EU due diligence and supply chain transparency requirements under the EU Batteries Regulation, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, the Deforestation Regulation and the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation
  • Upcoming EU ban on products made with forced labour
  • National rules in the EU on supply chain due diligence
  • C2P’s ESG Solution
    – Ensuring ESG as a strategic advantage
    – Staying on top of upcoming ESG deadlines
    – Communicating requirements & managing evidence to prove compliance
  • And more…


This webinar took place on Wednesday, 28th June at 08:00 PST – 11.00 EST – 17.00 CET. Further regulatory developments may have occurred after publication. To keep up-to-date with the latest compliance news, sign up to our newsletter.


Emma Bichet Cooley LLP

Emma Bichet, Special Counsel, Cooley LLP

Emma is a Special Counsel at Cooley’s Brussels office, and is part of the international products and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) teams. She has extensive experience advising on European Union products law and ESG matters.

She has a strong grasp of EU regulatory issues and works with the world’s top global companies to help clarify their obligations in the EU. She advises on the full product life cycle, including bringing products to market, labelling, packaging, and repair and recycling obligations, as well as how to engage with regulators and consumers. She also advises on EU ESG requirements, including corporate sustainability reporting, due diligence and sustainable finance disclosures. Emma has experience in making complaints to the European Commission on behalf of her clients and supporting them in litigation before the EU courts.

Emma regularly manages multijurisdictional compliance projects for her clients. She also advises when things go wrong – such as dealing with regulatory and compliance issues, crisis management, handling and coordinating regulatory crises in the EU, product recalls and product liability matters. Emma also is very active in horizon spotting, keeping abreast of new initiatives coming out of the EU in order to assist clients wishing to input into the legislative process and adapt their business in time when new rules are developed.

Meg O’Keeffe, Product Manager, Compliance & Risks

Meg is a Product Manager for Compliance & Risks and is based in Cork, Ireland. She has been working with Compliance & Risks since 2016, initially heading up the Client Success team before moving to Product Management.

Having spent many years working closely with our Clients and C2P users, Meg has in-depth knowledge of best practice compliance processes and how companies use C2P to manage their product compliance.

Before joining C&R her background was in Project & Quality Management and process improvement in the Financial Services and Environmental Health & Safety industries.