Saudi Arabia Extends the Validity Period for Conformity Certificates

The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) has announced the extension of the validity period for all certificates of conformity (CoCs) registered in the SABER electronic platform that expire in March, April or May 2020 for a further three month period from the original date of the expiry due to COVID-19.
SASO also announced the acceptance of testing reports, issued by accredited laboratories in the country of export, that were issued in the previous three year period without the need for new tests.
SASO clarified that these decisions, due to COVID-19, enable traders and importers to issue a consignment certificate from the SABER platform for shipments that they import during this period based on tests and certification from previous conformity tests, which will be automatically extended in SABER without requiring a renewal of the CoC or new tests.