Brazil Introduces Draft Law Approving Technical Requirements for Mobile Phone Chargers

This blog was originally posted on September 21st, 2023. Further regulatory developments may have occurred after publication. To keep up-to-date with the latest compliance news, sign up to our newsletter.
On 6 September 2023, the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) opened a public consultation on a draft law proposing to update the technical requirements and test procedures relating to the conformity assessment of mobile phone chargers.
Technical Requirements for Mobile Phone Chargers
The technical requirements shall apply to the following mobile phone chargers:
- Portable Chargers with AC Electrical Supply: Portable chargers whose electrical supply is the alternating current electrical power network (e.g. residential charger);
- Portable Chargers with DC Electrical Supply: Portable chargers whose electrical supply is a direct current source (e.g. vehicle charger);
- Inductive Chargers: Inductive chargers, regardless of the type of electrical power source (alternating current or direct current);
- USB Interfaces for Electronic Devices: USB interfaces (ports) for specific purposes for powering electronic devices, without data transmission functionality, regardless of the type of electrical power source.
General Requirements (Article 5)
Article 5 prescribes general requirements. Unless otherwise specified, chargers for cell phones must be tested coupled to a cell phone during the assessment of the product’s electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety requirements. The charger manufacturer must provide a cell phone with its battery initially discharged to carry out the tests.
Additional Provisions
The remainder of the draft contains provisions relating to the following:
- Technical requirements for chargers used in vehicular environments, including the criteria for evaluating electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements and electrical safety requirements.
- Technical requirements for other chargers, including the criteria for evaluating electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements and electrical safety requirements.
- Specific requirements for inductive chargers which are additional to meeting the electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety requirements relating to their type of application (vehicular environment or other chargers).
Implementation and Timeline
It is proposed that this draft will enter into force upon publication. However, the Annex containing the requirements would come into force on 18 April 2024. A public consultation is currently open on this draft and will end on 14 November 2023.
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