EAEU’s Common Labeling System with Control Signs in Force

The Eurasian Economic Union’s Agreement approving the common labeling system of goods with control (identification) signs has entered into force.
The Agreement aims to unify the process of labeling goods with machine-readable and mutually readable signs throughout the Union.
Before introducing labeling on its territory, the state must submit a proposal for a particular product for consideration by all member states of the Union. The Commission shall consider the proposal and make a decision within 3 months.
The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) will also define all the technical and procedural steps for introducing a new product label. If the decision is not made by consensus, then two or more countries may introduce labeling on their territories in accordance with their national legislation and using the general principles laid down in the Agreement.
Countries can communicate with each other through the Union’s integration information system.
It is understood that the digital marking system will contribute to the development of a traceability system, making it possible to trace the marked product throughout its entire life cycle.
To read the press release, click here: http://www.eurasiancommission.org/ru/nae/news/Pages/29-03-2019-1.aspx
For more information on the Agreement, contact our team today.