Peru Approves New WEEE Regulation

On 8 November 2019, the Peruvian President signed Supreme Decree No. 009-2019-MINAM, approving a new Regulation on Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
The regulation establishes WEEE as prioritized goods, determining a set of obligations and responsibilities for actors involved in the different stages of management, including activities aimed at the separation, storage, collection, transport, recovery and final disposal of WEEE, taking into account conditions for the protection of the environment and human health.
The following guidelines are considered for the management of WEEE:
- Prioritization of reuse and recovery over final disposal of WEEE
- Extended producer responsibility, and shared responsibility of the generator, WEEE operator, and municipalities
- Involvement of marketers and distributors so that, in collaboration with management systems, they facilitate the collection of WEEE
- Carrying out of awareness actions aimed at the general public for efficient and sustainable management of solid waste, focused on minimization and recovery of WEEE, and
- Promotion of minimization of generation of WEEE.
The Decree entered into force on 9 November 2019, and repealed Decree No. 001-2012-MINAM.
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