Ukraine Adopts Law Banning the Use of Plastic Bags

On 7 June 2021, the Ukrainian President signed the Law “On Restricting the Circulation of Plastic Bags on the Territory of Ukraine” No. 1489-IX, adopted by the Ukrainian Parliament on 1 June 2021.
The Law aims to reduce the use of plastic bags and regulates the relations that arise during the distribution of plastic bags in the territory of Ukraine.
In all retail stores, as well as in public catering services, it is prohibited to distribute:
- Ultralight plastic bags
- Lightweight plastic bags
- Oxo-degradable plastic bags
This prohibition does not apply to biodegradable plastic bags as well as to ultralight bags up to 225 mm wide (without side folds), up to 345 mm deep (with side folds), and up to 450 (with handles) long, used as primary packaging for fresh fish, meat and products from them, bulk products and ice.
Plastic bags that do not meet the requirements established by this Law shall be subject to withdrawal from circulation in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of Ukraine “On withdrawal from circulation, processing, utilization, destruction or further use of low-quality and dangerous products”.
The distribution of plastic bags shall be carried out exclusively on a paid basis. Retail prices for plastic bags may not be lower than the minimum prices set by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Plastic bags that meet the requirements shall be marked accordingly and the marking must be applied to each plastic bag. The procedure for marking plastic bags is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
The new law prohibits to the application of the words “bio”, “biopackage”, “biodegradable” on a plastic bag if such a bag does not meet the requirements determined by the harmonized European standards.
Once officially published, this Law will enter into force on the day following the day of its publication and it will become effective six months after its entry into force.
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