Webinars 20 Apr, 2021 - Watch On-Demand

How to Demonstrate Compliance for All Products in All Markets

Apr 20, 2021 How to Demonstrate Compliance for All Products in All Markets

Webinar Overview

Managing product compliance effectively has always been challenging. The most critical question for compliance professionals is “Can I sell product X in market Y?”, and as product requirements evolve, “Can I continue to sell product X in market Y?

This webinar will show how C2P Product Compliance can help you achieve, maintain and demonstrate compliance for all products in all markets.

The webinar covers:

  • Requirement & Evidence Management: Procure, document and link all evidence records to relevant requirements to demonstrate compliance in a single tool
  • Product Compliance Specs: Identify if all relevant requirements and evidence are complete to achieve market access for a specific product
  • Impact Assessment Workflow: Keep on top of change and reduce the impact to redevelopment and product compliance


Danny Cassidy
VP of Sales, Compliance & Risks

Shane O'Callaghan

Shane O’Callaghan
Product Manager, Compliance & Risks