Regulatory Developments on the Horizon in RoHS and Product Safety

Webinar Overview
This webinar, held in partnership with the European Federation of Catering Equipment Manufacturers (EFCEM), reviews some of the latest updates on measures for hazardous chemicals in products.
This webinar looks at:
- What’s in store for 2022 such as the European Commission’s plans to start a stakeholder consultation on the next RoHS Recast by the end of 2021 with the aim of adopting a proposal for a Directive by late 2022.
- The latest updates concerning some RoHS-like regulations in the world.
- The recent and upcoming measures to address new risks from emerging technologies.
- Highlighting key developments in the EU single market rules heralding a renewed concept of safety appropriate to the digital age and an enhanced product enforcement system.
Joyce Costello,
Senior Regulatory Compliance Specialist, Compliance & Risks
Joyce is a Senior Global Regulatory Consultant with Compliance & Risks. She keeps clients up to date on global RoHS legislative developments, as well as covering Food Contact Materials and Product Safety.
Fluent in French, Joyce also has a Master of Laws (LLM) from University College Cork.
Valentina Marchetti,
Senior Regulatory Compliance Specialist, Compliance & Risks
Valentina holds a Masters Degree in Chemistry from the Università degli Studi di Firenze and is a Professional Chemist since 2011. She is an Italian native speaker and she also speaks English.
She has 8 years regulatory experience within the Oil and Gas industry and is also qualified as an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Internal Auditor.