PFAS – A Year in Review: U.S. Key Regulatory Developments in 2023

PFAS – A Year in Review: Whitepaper Overview:
In 2023, many US states proposed new and amending legislation and regulation of the chemicals belonging to the group named PFAS (Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl substances or “Per – and Polyfluoroalkyl”).
PFAS is found in many consumer products, and is widely used in many industries. PFAS has become one of the key topics impacting business and is predicted to extend through 2024 and beyond.
This paper is an overview of developments in 2023 on regulation of PFAS by the US states. It is an update on legislation and rules affecting product manufacturing, sale, distribution, and new registration and reporting requirements.
This Whitepaper Covers:
- Bills proposed in 2023
- Bills that entered into force in 2023
- Bills that failed in 2023
*This whitepaper was originally published on 20th February, 2024. Further regulatory developments may have occurred after publication. To keep up-to-date with the latest compliance news, sign up to our newsletter.
Victoria Smart, Senior Regulatory Compliance Specialist, Compliance & Risks
Victoria is a Senior Regulatory Compliance Specialist with the Global Regulatory Compliance team specializing in the topics of Chemicals in Products and Energy Efficiency for the USA.
Before joining Compliance & Risks in 2008, Victoria was a senior legal analyst at major California law firms in complex/significant litigation on intellectual property, labor class action, and environmental law; and was the operations manager for a software company.