Cheat Sheets 3 min read

Creating A Leather Wallet – Compliance Cheat Sheet

Creating A Leather Wallet – Compliance Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet was originally posted in 2023 and updated July 2nd, 2024. Further regulatory developments may have occurred after publication. To keep up-to-date with the latest compliance news, sign up to our newsletter.


Define luxury with compliance using our Leather Wallet Compliance Cheat Sheet. Navigate the intricacies of Japan, Australia, and South Korea leather accessory regulations effortlessly. This cheat sheet decodes labeling mandates, safety standards, chemical restrictions, testing requirements, certification procedures, and waste regulations, allowing your brand to shine globally.

Our compliance guide empowers you to confidently enter these vibrant markets, ensuring your men’s leather wallets are not just stylish but also compliance-savvy.

This Cheat Sheet Covers:

  1. Japan
    Japanese consumers appreciate craftsmanship and compliance with their leather accessories. Our cheat sheet dissects labeling intricacies, safety standards that resonate with the Japanese style, chemical restrictions, testing prerequisites, and waste management guidelines. Ensure your leather wallets not only exude quality but also meet Japanese regulatory standards.
  2. Australia
    Down under, stay ahead in the leather accessory market with our cheat sheet. It uncovers labeling essentials, safety benchmarks tailored to the Australian lifestyle, chemical restrictions, testing and certification requirements, and sustainable waste management practices. Your wallets will be both stylish and regulation-compliant.
  3. South Korea
    South Korean consumers seek innovation and quality. Our cheat sheet provides insights into labeling finesse, safety standards that align with South Korean preferences and leather goods regulations, chemical limitations, testing prerequisites, and eco-conscious waste management guidelines. Ensure your leather wallets make a mark in South Korea’s fashion-forward market.

Meet The Author

Kim Plassche, Senior Regulatory Consultant, Global Market Access, Compliance & Risks

Kim Plassche is a Senior Regulatory Consultant on the Global Market Access team at Compliance & Risks, Ltd., where she researches and monitors international product safety legislation for custom client reports.

Kim is a librarian by training, with 18 years of experience and a Master of Library Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. Prior to taking on her C&R role, she served as Map Librarian at her alma mater.

Kim has also worked in public and private libraries, including at a consumer products testing company, where she researched regulations and standards for internal and external clients.